Wednesday - Sprints/LISS Cardio

Activation x 7 minutes

{Do the below circuit as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes}

Straight leg raise x 15

Straight Leg Jack knife x 12

Straight Leg Sit up with a twist x 15

Plank x 60 sec

Sprint Intervals

Can be done outside, on the treadmill or elliptical, bicycle, peloton, stair master, jump rope, etc.

Sprint at MAXIMUM effort for 30 seconds. Then enjoy 30 seconds of recovery. Repeat for 14 minutes.


I love walking on an incline on the treadmill, using the stair stepper, going for a light jog or brisk walk or even jump roping. The goal is to keep your heart rate up and in β€œfat burning zone.” (refer to this article to calculate your zone)

Burnout x 7 minutes

{Do the below circuit as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes} 

Straight leg raise x 15

Straight Leg Jack knife x 12

Straight Leg Sit up with a twist x 15

Plank x 60 sec